PO Box 924 | Olympia, WA 98507 | 360.943.9123

Festival News

29th Annual “America’s Classic Jazz Festival

The Board of Directors of The Greater Olympia Dixieland Jazz Society has decided to CANCEL the 29th Annual “AMERICA’S CLASSIC JAZZ FESTIVAL” scheduled for 25-28 June 2020, due to COVID-19.

All pre-paid tickets sponsoring the jazz festival will be returned by check beginning the week of April 27th.   As of now there are no plans for resurrecting the festival.

We wish to thank all our loyal fans of the past 28 years for their continual support of this great festival.  Looking forward to seeing you on the Dixieland Trail.

Charlotte Dickison, Walt Bowen, Pete & Barbara Pease, Nancy Sachs, Judy Ehresmann, and Karla West.