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Festival History | Olympia Jazz Society
PO Box 924 | Olympia, WA 98507 | 360.943.9123

Festival History

August 30-31, 1991

Our first festival featured Electric Park, Hume Street, Dr. Jon’s Medical Show, Bathtub Gin Party, and Evergreen Classic Jazz and took place at the Westwater Inn and Olympia Elks Lodge.  Janet Haag was Festival Director.

September 4-5, 1992

The 1992 festival was at the Westwater Inn and the Olympia Hotel ballroom.  Bands were Electric Park, Bathtub Gin, Hume Street, Uptown-Lowdown, and Tri-Cities.  Jim McQueen was Festival Director.

September 3-4, 1993

The festival was held at the Quality Inn-Westwater.  Bands performing were Electric Park, Uptown-Lowdown, Black Swan, Tri-Cities, Foggy Bottom, and Bathtub Gin.  The Festival Director was Earlene Whitney.  This was our first year to sponsor a student to the Sacramento Traditional Jazz Camp.

July 1-3, 1994

Due to conflicting festivals, in 1994 the date was changed to July 1-2-3  and there was a  a major growth in attendance.  Electric Park, Uptown-Lowdown, Jazzabouts, Stumptown, and Hume Street played in the Quality Inn-Westwater ballrooms.  Phyllis Daugherty was Festival Director.  The Society sent one student to the Sacramento Traditional Jazz Camp.

June 30 - July 2, 1995

5th Annual Dixieland Jazz Festival was held June 30 – July 2, 1995.  Charlotte Dickison was named Festival Director in 1995 and has continued since that date.  The festival at the Quality Inn-Westwater surpassed all festivals.  Five bands entertained Electric Park, Monarchs, Goodtime Jazzabouts, Phoenix Jazzers, Black Swan, and musical appearances from our two Sacramento Jazz Camp students.

July 5-6, 1996

Over 600 attended the festival in three venues at the Holiday Inn-Select with a pre-festival party on July 4.  The festival featured Jean Kittrell’s St. Louis Rivermen, the Madri Gras, Desperation, Electric Park, Hume Street, and Three Rivers Jazz.  Two students went to the Sacramento Jazz Camp.

July 4-6, 1997

Diane Dickison-Cox suggested  the festival at the Holiday Inn-Select become know as “AMERICA’S FESTIVAL” in honor of the 4th of July holiday.  A pre-festival party on July 3, and a listening venue were added.  Bands were CanUS, Electric Park, Jean Kittrell, Queen City, Stumptown, and Uptown-Lowdown.  Four Sacramento Jazz Camp youth scholarships were awarded.  The Olympia Farmers Market with parasol parades and dancing by members, featured CanUS.

July 2-4, 1998

Festival held at the Holiday Inn-Select we featured Hume Street, Boilermakers, Uptown-  Lowdown, Desperation, South Frisco, Rise & Shine Youth Band, and Electric Park.  One of two gospel services was held in the Capitol Rotunda with Uptown-Lowdown performing. Desperation Jazz Band played at the Farmers Market. We sent four students to jazz camp.

July 2-4, 1999

Our Ninth Annual America’s Festival was celebrated at Tumwater;s  Westcoast Tyee Hotel with a sell-out audience. Bands were Black Swan, Buck Creek, CanUS, Electric Park, Jean Kittrell & the St. Louis Rivermen, Rise & Shine Youth Band, and Uptown-Lowdown.  Jean Kittrell performed at the Farmers Market, and Black Swan at the Capitol Rotunda.  Two students were sent to the Sacramento camp.

June 30-July 2, 2000

We returned to Cavanaugh’s Hotel. We added a tent venue to the listening venue and full ballroom.  Bands were Bob Schultz Frisco Jazz, Electric Park, Grand Dominion, High Sierra, Uptown-Lowdown, and Prohibition.  Four students were sent to camp.

June 29, July 1, 2001

The festival was held at the Westcoast Hotel in Olympia (formerly Westwater, Quality Inn, Holiday Inn-Select, and Cavanaugh’s).  Bands included Buck Creek, Jean Kittrell, Black Swan, Uptown-Lowdown, Electric Park, Prohibition, Swing’n Door, and CanUS.  An After Glow party was held at Genoa’s Restaurant on Sunday night following the festival.  Three jazz students were sponsored to Camp Heebie Jeebies in Montana, and Sacramento.

July 4-7, 2001

With our continued growth, we moved our festival to Saint Martin’s College in Lacey.  Festivities began on Thursday afternoon with a free concert in Lacey’s Huntamer Park.  The pre-festival party from 7-10:00 p.m. was packed in the Worthington Center.  There were three free Gospel Services on Sunday morning, and the Afterglow party continued to be held at Genoa’s on the Bay.  Bands were Buck Creek, Electric Park, Evergreen, Grand Dominion, High Sierra, Peter Meijers Quartet featuring Cheryl Stevens, Prohibition, and Uptown-Lowdown. We sent five students to Sacramento Jazz Camp and Camp Heebie Jeebies.

July 3-6, 2003

Saint Martin’s College offered utility  hookups for our 49 pre-registered RV’s.  There was a good turnout in Lacey’s Huntamer Park on Thursday, as well as the Farmers Market downtown at noon Friday.  We featured two Sunday Gospels, and an After Glow party at Tumwater Valley.   Special guest clarinetist Bob Draga from Florida, Black Swan, Bob Schultz Frisco, CanUS, Climax, High Sierra, Uptown-Lowdown, and Prohibition were the bands.  Three students went to Jazz Camp.

July 1-4, 2004

The festival brought 53 RV’s to the College.  Climax from Toronto, Canada played at Huntamer Park on Thursday, and Grand Dominion and Climax both played Thursday night at the Worthington Center, as well as at the Olympia Farmer’s Market on Friday.  Devil Mountain played at the opening of the new Lacey Farmer’s Market on Saturday.  Jean Kittrell entertained at the After Glow party on Sunday night  at Tugboat Annie’s on the Bay.  Gospels were at the United Churches in Olympia and in the Pavillion.  Bands: Black Swan, Climax, Devil Mountain, Grand Dominion, Jean Kittrell, Louisiana Joymakers, Uptown-Lowdown, and Prohibition.  Three students went to Jazz Camp.

June 30 - July 3, 2005

Fifty-three RV’s.  CanUS & Grand Dominion played for the Kick-Off Thursday night, as well as at the Olympia Farmer’s Market on Friday.  Uptown-Lowdown played at the Lacey Farmer’s Market on Saturday.  Sunday morning CanUS played at the United Churches in Olympia, Uptown-Lowdown at Lacey Presbyterian, and Black Swan in the Pavillion.  The After Glow party at Tugboat Annies featured Buck Creek and the Louisiana Joymakers.  Bands:  Uptown-Lowdown, CanUS, Buck Creek, Grand Dominion, No Inhibitions  3. High Sierra, Black Swan, and Louisiana Joymakers.  We sent three students to Jazz Camp.

June 29 - July 2, 2006

We had an overflowing amount of 73 RV’s.  The No Inhibitions band from Silverdale started off the jazz weekend in the Lacey Park on Wednesday.  Jean Kittrell and the St. Louis Rivermen played the first set Thursday night with Jean’s surprise 79thbirthday party with cake for all. The second set was High Sierra from Three Rivers, CA.  Uptown-Lowdown and High Sierra played at the Olympia Farmer’s Market on Friday.  The Louisiana Joymakers played at the Lacey

Farmer’s Market on Saturday.  The Sunday Gospel with Jean Kittrell was at the United Churches of Olympia; Uptown/Lowdown at the Lacey Presbyterian; and, Grand Dominion at Saint Martin’s Pavilion. The After Glow was at Tugboat Annie’s featuring Jean Kittrell and the Titan Hot Seven.  Besides the bands already listed, the Mighty Aphrodite Jazz Band, young women from the West Coast of U.S. and Canada performed. . Three students were sent to Jazz Camp.

June 28 - July 1, 2007

Saint Martin’s University.   Thursday night Kick-Off featured Jean Kittrell (St. Louis, MO) Buck Creek (Springfield, VA) and Grand Dominion.  Friday , Grand Dominion and Titan Hot Seven played at the Olympia Farmer’s Market.  No Inhibitions played Saturday at the Lacey Farmer’s Market.  Sunday Gospels featured Jean Kittrell at the United Churches of Olympia; Grand Dominion at Lacey Presbyterian; No Inhibitions at United Methodist, and Black Swan at the Pavilion.   Also, Ivory & Gold, Uptown-Lowdown West End of Chicago and Yerba Buena Stompers performed.  The After-Glow at Tug Boat Annies with Jean Kittrell and Titan Hot Seven playing. We sent four students to the Camp Heebie Jeebies  the new camp site at Crescent Lake near Port Angeles.

June 26-29, 2008

Our 18th Annual America’s Festival of Dixieland Jazz was  at Saint Martin’s University.  An additional tent venue was on the University campus.  Bands were Bob Schulz Frisco Jazz, Buck Creek, Grand Dominion, High Sierra, Jean Kittrell & St. Louis Rivermen, No Inhibition, Titan Hot Seven, West End of Chicago, and Uptown/Lowdown.  Local church gospels and the Tug Boat Annie’s events happened. Four  students sent to jazz camp.

June 25-28, 2009

Our 19th Annual America’s Festival of Dixieland Jazz continued at Saint Martin’s University.  Scheduled:   Bob Schulz Frisco Jazz Band,  Wolverines, Grand Dominion, No Inhibition, Uptown/Lowdown, High Sierra, Titan Hot Seven, Ivory and Gold,  St. Louis Rivermen with Ray Templin, and John Skillman’s Coast to Coast.  An overflowed parking lot assured this Festival was another success.  Four students sent to Jazz Camp.

June 24-27, 2010

Our landmark 20th Annual America’s Classic Jazz Festival resumes at Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, WA.  Scheduled bands were:Grand Dominion, High Sierra, Ivory & Gold, No Inhibitions, St. Louis Rivermen, Titan Hot Seven, Tom Rigney and Flambeau, Uptown Lowdown, Wolverines, and West End Jazz of Chicago. (Note: Name updated to America’s Classic Jazz Festival.)

June 23-26, 2011

Dedicated to Jean Kittrell, of  the St. Louis Rivermen band, our 21st Annual America’s Classic Jazz Festival held at Saint Martin’s in Lacey.with a tribute to this Great Lady of Jazz.  A tent was added, making four venues, with four dance floors.   Bands were Black Swan w/Marilyn Keller; Bob Schulz Frisco Band, Ivory & Gold; Grand Dominion; High Sierra, Louis Ford New Orleans Jazz Flairs, Ray Skjelbrd & His Cubs, St.Louis Rivermen,Titan Hot Seven, Tom Rigney Flambeau, Uptown Lowdown, and West End Jazz Band of Chicago. The after-glow parties were at Tugboat Annie’s with St. Louis Rivermen and Nisqually Bar & Grill. We sponsored seven jazz camp scholars in 2011. Charlotte Dickison, Festival Director, brought us another blockbuster trad jazz party.

June 28 - July 1, 2012

We celebrate our 22nd Annual America’s Classic Jazz Festival at Saint Martin’s University again under the brilliant leadership of Festival Director, Charlotte Dickison.  Bands: Grand Dominion, High Sierra, Ivory & Gold, Ray Skelbred & Chicago Cubs, St. Louis Rivermen, Titan Hot Seven, Tom Hook & Black Dogs, Tom Rigney Flambeau, Uptown Lowdown, Wolverines,Yerba Buena Stompers, Bob Schulz, guest artist, a  special set with Jerry Krahn and Katie Cavera, and a festival  opening performance with Bert Barr’s Trailer Trash Jazz Band (music/jam RV jazz fans talents gathered during the festival). Five jazz camp scholarships were awarded..

June 27-30, 2013

The twenty-third year of G.O.D.J.S. Jazz Festivals held was once more held at Saint Martin’s University in Lacey, WA. This Festival was dedicated to “Gentleman of Jazz” Jimmy Armstrong  Charlotte Dickison, Festival Director,  brought together another outstanding array of musicians and bands:  .  Buck Creek; Grand Dominion; High Sierra; Ivory and Gold; Jerry Krahn & Cathie Cavera; Titan Hot Seven; Tom Hook; Tom Rigney Flambeau; Uptown-Lowdown; Wally’s Warehouse Waifs; West End of Chicago; Wolverines; Yerba Buena Stompers; Eddie Eerickson; and Brady McKay.  Bert Baar’s Trailer Trash Band opened the festival and entertained at informal practices in the RV parking area throughout the festival,however, not during the festival to cause any conflict. Seven scholarships were awarded.

June 26-30, 2014

This year will entertain our 24th Annual America’s Classic Jazz Festival at Saint Martins University.  Bands scheduled are Grand Dominion, High Sierra, Ivory and Gold, Titan Hot Seven, Tom Hook/Terriers, UptownLowdown with promise of more to come!